
2023年12月31日—Downloads·Stablereleases·Betareleases·InstallviaHomebrewCask·Browserextensions·Nightlybuilds.Nightlybuildsarebuiltbasedon ...,IINAisthemodernvideoplayerformacOS.Features.ForandonlyformodernmacOS-IINAisborntobeamodernmacOSapplication,fromitsframeworkto ...,Playsanything.Poweredbytheopensourcemediaplayermpv,IINAcanplayalmosteverymediafileyouhave.Withthesupportofyoutube-dlandourbro...

Download | IINA

2023年12月31日 — Downloads · Stable releases · Beta releases · Install via Homebrew Cask · Browser extensions · Nightly builds. Nightly builds are built based on ...


IINA is the modern video player for macOS. Features. For and only for modern macOS - IINA is born to be a modern macOS application, from its framework to ...


Plays anything. Powered by the open source media player mpv, IINA can play almost every media file you have. With the support of youtube-dl and our browser ...


(原始內容存檔於2021-05-10). ^ IINA for macOS launches as modern media player alternative to VLC with dark mode, PIP, more ...

IINA 免費Mac 影音播放器,現代介面支援常見影片格式

IINA 免費Mac 影音播放器,現代介面支援常見影片格式. 記得Windows 有不少全能的影音播放器可以選擇,例如耳熟能詳的PotPlayer、KMPlayer 或老牌 Media Player Classic ...

IINA 免費功能強大的Mac 影音播放器功能技巧介紹

在Windows 系統上如果說要裝影音播放器,首選一定就是會考慮超強的PotPlayer 或前一代作品KMPlayer ,但在macOS 上又會有哪些值得推薦的影音播放器可以使用呢?


Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity on macOS; Designed with modern versions of macOS (10.11+) in mind; All the features you need for ...

Releases · iinaiina

2023年12月31日 — The modern video player for macOS. Contribute to iina/iina development by creating an account on GitHub.